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Lock`s Theme Icons 1.3

Lock`s Theme Icons 1.3

Lock`s Theme Icons Publisher's Description

A note to old customers: This set of icons changed name, from "Robot Icons" to "Theme icons". There's no difference with the previous one, beside the fact that it will include more themes. :]
If you already purchased it, DON'T BUY because you'll receive it for free.

A note to new customers: Dear customers, when you register, please, provide a valid email so I can send you the free upgrades. At the moment I still have someone I cannot reach and emails return back. Thanks.

versione= "1.3"; icone = 50; icone_demo= 15; colori="si"; mono="si"; Hires="si"; Lowres="no"; data = "09-11-2003"; totale=0; set=0; if (colori=="Si"||colori=="si") {colori="Yes"; totale+=icone;} else {colori="No";} if (mono=="Si"||mono=="si") {mono="Yes"; totale+=icone;} else {mono="No";} if (Hires=="Si"||Hires=="si") {Hires="Yes"; set++;} else {Hires="No";} if (Lowres=="Si"||Lowres=="si") {Lowres="Yes"; set++;} else {Lowres="No";} totale=totale*set; function NumIcons() { alert("It's the number of unique icons. In short words how many you have for each set."); } function NumDemo() { alert("It's the number of icons in the DEMO version."); } function HiRes() { alert("If your handheld has a Hires screen (320x320), you'll be able to use the high resolution set that allows the visualization of 20x18 pixels icons instead of the classic 10x9 ones."); } function lowres() { alert("If your handheld has a Lowres screen (160x160), you'll have to use the low resolution set with 10x9 pixels dimension. Too bad sometimes, because to the high detail of some icons, the lowres set is not available.\nPlease, check careful these features before to purchase the product!"); } function Tot() { alert("Every existing icon set (colour, grayscale, Hires and Lowres) is made of "+icone+" icons. This means that I draw a total of "+totale+" real icons."); } Lock's Theme Icons document.write(versione)
Hires Colour and B&w Icons in the Space

Version 1.3 Version 1.2 Version 1.1 Previous...

See all Icons Yes, I know. It's full of Icon Collections out there. Some are nice, some are less nice, some are gorgeous, some are ugly. But generally there's a common thing in all them: they're huge, with hundreds, thousands of draws inside. I cannot give you so big numbers, they're often the result of years of work, collections, selections.
I just can guarantee one thing: quality. I draw icons for myself and I don't need to hurry or create kg of pixels, I just 'paint' when I feel and when I'm inspired. And since I want the best for myself, then I automatically want the best for you. :]

I created the Robot Icons set just for nostalgia of the old '80 cartoon robot series. I decided not to draw a LoRes version because the result couldn't be good with so detailed draws.
Monkey Island set is my tribute to the wonderful adventure from Lucasart, and all the nights passed playing on my old Amiga... :]

Every icon is drawn in two Hires sets, colour and grayscale version, compatible with new 320x320 display PalmOs device.

Features: Icons number: document.write(icone); DEMO version Icons number: document.write(icone_demo); Colour Icons set: document.write(colori); Grayscale Icons set: document.write(mono); Hires Icons set: document.write(Hires); Lowres Icons set: document.write(Lowres); Total Sets: document.write(totale);

Here you can see a typical example of icon's use with DateBk5 (on the left) and Agendus (on the right):

The registration is "lifetime". This means that as long as I'll produce new icons of this set you'll be able to have free updates without any further expenses.

Updated Description:

1.3 (09-11-2003)
Changed name from "Robot Icon's" to "Theme Icons".
Added 9 "Monkey Island" icons.

1.2 (08-12-2003)
Added 6 new icons.

1.1 (05-16-2003)
Added 8 new icons.

1.0 (05-06-2003)
First public release.

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